Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Colorado Safe Routes to School in Danger

Hello free-wheeling folks,

We'd like to share a quick and easy way to support bicycling and walking.  State funding for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) education program has a very short deadline to take action & help the cause.  GVB secured SRTS funding in 2011 to purchase a bicycle classroom and implement SRTS education in D51 elementary PE classrooms.  Check out our Safe Routes to School page (menu on right) for more details about the local program.

Colorado Safe Routes to School in Danger
Please call or email your state senator TODAY and ask them to support House Bill 1003—Safe Routes to School. If the bill does not pass the Colorado Senate, the Safe Routes to School program will die.

We just received notice that the first Senate vote could be as soon as Thursday, April 30. The legislative session ends in just one week and each vote is critical.

Now is the time for every Colorado Senator to hear that child safety and health is important to Colorado. Please ask them to stand up and support safe routes to school.
Call or email your State Senator
Ray Scott’s # 303-866-3077 email
Ask him to please support House Bill 1003-Safe Routes to School. Briefly share why you think children’s safety and health are important and include your address. More info here. Even if it is after hours, you can still call and leave a voice mail.

Thank you for your help!


  1. Thank you for creating awareness to the kids regarding cycling and biking, this will be a great solution to the kids in order stay safe.

  2. i am glad you posted with this warning. thank you for that. people need to be careful around the area it could get quite dangerous. keep us posted with more

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